Closing Chapters
The end of the Trent and Mersey
The end of the Trent and Mersey
Step aboard again, a short journey this time. The cool autumn air takes the comfort from the body; a little from the soul, too. Another year is on the wane, already; heady days pass into memory and away to the ether with falling housedust and retreating echoes. The clank of
Staffordshire always strikes me as a busy county. One of roadsalt-greyed grass verges and constant roadworks. Huge roadside pubs, always boarded up; nobody ever having time for a swift libation, I assume, it being so busy round here. This view is borne largely from experience; I've travelled through
Into Stoke and beyond
Morning all This is just a quick post to keep everyone in the loop. As you have noticed, for the last couple of weeks posts have been a little more sporadic; largely a consequence of the huge demands on my time from work over the high summer period. August into
Apologies for the radio silence of late; it has been a hooly of a month. August started off routine enough, but as is always the way, that month runs away from one. Though I don’t work in farming in anger any more, I do get caught up in the
There is something mesmerising about this; about this activity, this way of life. I find the tactile nature of it seductive, there’s no doubt. Even the terrible days, the expensive infuriating days, even those days have something familiar and inviting about them. It is the first click in the
On Appeasing the Rain Gods of Cheshire, or One of Richard's Fables
Welcome to the new component of this journey, the travelogue videos. These films will be available for paid subscribers first, but will be released for general viewing later on. The rest of the content here will stay free, have no fear, and there will be clips and film avaliable for
With stoppages ahead and a work trip abroad in the coming days, opportunity to make some final progress towards Kidsgrove was limited, but I duly wandered the length of the Motorway network to do *something* useful before I went. As I travelled north I went through thunder, hail, and stair-rod
Middlewich to Sandbach
The Moving Pictures come to the canal…