Northwich to Middlewich
Welcome to the new component of this journey, the travelogue videos. These films will be available for paid subscribers first, but will be released for general viewing later on. The rest of the content here will stay free, have no fear, and there will be clips and film avaliable for all as well.
These films are edited clips of much larger stints of the trip. They are cut together very much in the slow film style of the Norwegian slow tv movement, only much MUCH shorter (these clips will be on average 30-45 minutes in length).
There is no overall narration, and only minimal visual hints at landmarks as we pass them.
The idea is to give you a feel of the journey as we pass through the varying landscapes of the English Midlands en route to Oxford.
In time, I will add the conversion of the boat itself and then the firing up and working of the forge itself. That still seems a long way off at the moment, but ignoring the 100 odd miles there are yet to cover it will come around soon enough!
So make yourself comfortable and maybe grab a cuppa, this film is best enjoyed while daydreaming…